8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Eye Exam

8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Eye Exam

8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Eye Exam

8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Eye Exam

8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Eye Exam

Routine eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health and detecting potential problems early. However, simply showing up is not enough. There are steps you can take to make the most of your eye exam and ensure you get the most accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations possible.


Schedule Your Eye Exam Appointment at the Right Time

Planning your eye exam at the right time is vital. It helps you be alert and well-rested during the whole process. If you schedule it when feeling stressed or rushed, you may not concentrate, potentially affecting the accuracy of the exam. Ensure you attend your appointment when feeling your best to help you be present and get the most out of the exam.


Bring Your Current Eyeglasses or Contacts

Take your current eyeglasses or contact lenses to your eye exam appointment. Your eye doctor at Specs Appeal can examine your prescription to see if it is still appropriate for your needs. Individuals who wear contact lenses may need to remove them before certain parts of the exam. Have your glasses with you for such an eventuality.


Write Down Your Questions and Concerns 

If you plan to ask questions during your appointment, ensure you write them down so you don’t forget any. It is easy to forget crucial details when you are in the moment, so having a list helps you stay organized and focused during the appointment. It also helps your eye specialist address all your concerns promptly.


Share Your Medical History

Knowing and sharing your medical history with your doctor is vital because many medical conditions can impact your eye health. Telling them helps them identify potential issues and give you personalized care.


Be Honest About Your Habits

Some habits, such as smoking, can impact eye health. For this reason, it is vital to be honest about your habits to help your doctor identify potential issues based on your medical history. Be open and honest about actions that can impact your eye health. Doing so will help your eye doctor give you personalized care.


Let the Doctor Know If You Are Uncomfortable

Eye exams can be uncomfortable, but they should not cause pain. Let your doctor know if you are in pain or feeling uncomfortable during any part of the exam. Doing so will help them adjust the exam or offer a break to help you feel more comfortable. Communicate any discomfort to ensure the exam remains as accurate as possible.


Ask for Explanations

Most people fear asking their eye doctor for explanations during their eye exams. But asking helps you understand your eye health and any problems you may be experiencing better.

Do not be afraid to ask for an explanation if you do not understand something your eye doctor is doing or are unsure why a test is necessary. Your eye specialist at Specs Appeal should answer your questions and help you understand your eye health.


Follow Up on Recommendations

Following up on recommendations after your eye exam helps ensure you do everything to protect your eyes and maintain good vision. Your eye doctor may recommend some treatment or lifestyle changes, like wearing glasses, taking vitamins, or changing your diet. Following these recommendations helps maintain good eye health and prevent potential problems from developing.

For more on eye exams, visit Specs Appeal at our offices in St. George or Little Valley, Utah, or Mesquite, Nevada. Call (435) 216-7059, (435) 628-1112, or (702) 346-2950 to book an appointment today.

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