What Are Performance Lenses?

What Are Performance Lenses?

What Are Performance Lenses?

What Are Performance Lenses?

What Are Performance Lenses?

The International Sports Vision Association understands the importance of good vision in performing well in every game. Studies show that even the slightest decrease in visual clarity can reduce an athlete’s performance. One way to improve your vision while playing is to wear performance lenses. Here are the details to consider about performance lenses if you are thinking about getting them.


They Protect Against Harmful UV Rays

Intense UV radiation can damage your eyes. It can also trigger the development of serious eye ailments, such as cataracts and ocular tumors. Outdoor games can expose your eyes to excessive amounts of sunlight. Without proper protection, you can have corneal damage. Performance lenses can give your eyes the UV protection they need during outdoor games.


They Prevent Impact-Related Injuries

Regular lenses can crack or shatter upon impact. If you use them for sports activities, they won’t give you the protection that you need. Performance lenses are important when you play sports. They help you see well, and, at the same time, they protect your eyes from injuries. Wearing them can protect your eyes from trauma during games. These lenses are shatter- and impact-resistant. This high level of protection can give you peace of mind even when playing contact, high-speed, and high-risk sports.


They Tone Down Glare

Playing outdoor sports exposes you to intense glare from different reflective surfaces, such as water, ice, snow, sand, and metal. Performance lenses can be polarized to reduce glare. This anti-glare feature can soften the impact of bright lights during evening games. You can talk to your eye doctor about photochromic lenses. These are clear lenses that turn dark when you step outside. They provide complete protection from UV rays while you are outside. They turn back to clear lenses once you are indoors.


They Can Help You Adapt to Different Environments

Performance lenses can also have special coloration to help your eyes adapt to every environment you play in. They allow you to keep your aim, throw, catch, or shoot without any distractions. Different tints can help you achieve your goals for every type of sport. Hunters prefer amber-colored performance lenses, while golfers prefer green-tinted lenses. Contrast and visibility, as well as your scores, increase when you wear the right performance lenses.


They Provide You With Convenient and Comfortable Vision

You can gain more benefits from wearing performance lenses. The images you see will not change in size or become distorted in any way. Your peripheral vision will not be blocked at all.

Getting performance lenses for your training and games can help you score more and play better. At Specs Appeal, we help our patients achieve an optimal vision for every activity they have. Feel free to drop by our clinics in St. George, Utah, and Mesquite, Nevada, for a one-on-one consultation. You can also reach us by dialing 435-216-7059 (near Brigham Young Winter Home), 435-628-1112 (in Lin’s Market), or 702-346-2950 (Mesquite) if you want to schedule an appointment or ask about our performance eyewear collection. Please visit our website from time to time for details about our soon-to-open Little Valley branch.

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